Any Tex Murphy Fans Out There?...Question!
In preparation of the Tex Murphy's Kickstarter campaign starting on May 15th I wanter to take a walk down memory lane and watched the Youtube walkthroughs of both Under a Killing Moon and the Pandora Directive. I had forgotten just how long those games were. Much longer stories and gameplay than what is being released the last few years. Any way, before I watch the Overseer Walkthrough I had these questions for the Tex enthusiasts...
It is known that Tex Murphys hot love interest, Chelsee Bando, is a mutant in the post apocalyptic world. Has it ever been revealed in any of the games, the Tex Murphy radio broadcasts or the books just what was mutated on her? With most of the other mutants in the games it is evident what their mutations are but not Chelsee. Also it is known that Rook, owner of Rooks Pawn Shop, is not a mutant but what about Nilo the proprietor of the building that Tex rents his office at? Is he mutant?