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 Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room

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Margaret M
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Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room Empty
PostSubject: Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room   Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room EmptyThu Apr 19, 2012 8:25 pm

Sorry if I'm in the wrong "room". I'm new to forums, don't know where to post my request for help. I see I am also late in getting into Rhem 4. I've done everything I can in this room to get the violet lasers to flash but the only one comes from the blue box on the wall which goes to the pillar - but the pillar shoots out black rays towards the squares above the North door, not coloured lasers. Therefore, I cannot open the door. (The green light does not flash briefly as the WT says). Please help if you can, otherwise I shall be like the lady who's given up to go back to her reading.......
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Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room   Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room EmptyThu Apr 19, 2012 9:38 pm

Hi Margaret M . You are in the right place for game help. I haven't played Rhem 4 yet. There is another post further back asking for Rhem 4 help. Did you read it to see if it might help you ?

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Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room   Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room EmptyThu Apr 19, 2012 11:49 pm

Hi Margaret ..... and Welcome Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room 506268

Is this the Room you're in? (I haven't played it)

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Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room   Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room EmptyThu Apr 19, 2012 11:51 pm

Hi MargaretM

Welcome to the Point. It has been a long time since I played Rhem 4 but I will try to help you if it means you wont give up on the game.

If you don't have the correct symbols on the round plates and the corresponding directions in the cabinets the laser wont work properly. Many people have had confusion with the compass in the Rhem games and especially with this puzzle. If you are reading the compass wrong then you aren't going to correctly place the symbols and directions in the right place. What I remember is that the compass works exactly as a real one would. You are always facing the same way, the arrow always indicates which way is North. If the arrow is pointing up, you are facing North. If the arrow is pointing down you are facing South. If the arrow points to the left you are facing East and if the arrow points right you are facing West. The easiest way to do this if it confuses you is on a piece of paper draw a directional compass cross. Make the top one have an arrow and mark it north and the remaining ends of the cross accordingly. Once in the game use your piece of paper and rotate it so your arrow points in the same direction as the compass arrow in the game. The direction you are facing is always at the top. Here is a diagram from the developer Knut Muller to help those who are having trouble. If this doesn't help let me know as there is another part of this puzzle that will confuse you even more Laughing This is a great puzzle but it is hard. If you understand how the compass works I will try to explain the added confusion to this puzzle.

Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room Compass_e

Last edited by GreyFuss on Fri Apr 20, 2012 12:01 am; edited 2 times in total
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Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room   Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room EmptyThu Apr 19, 2012 11:57 pm

I knew GreyFuss would call by as soon as I posted that. Well done GreyFuss. cheers
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Lady Kestrel
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Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room   Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room EmptyFri Apr 20, 2012 6:00 am

With this puzzle, it's easy to get the designs on the round displays mixed up. I thought I had everything right, but one design was off by one line, and I didn't see it for the longest time. I wrote down the solution based on the room set up, so if you need it, let me know.
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Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room   Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room EmptyFri Apr 20, 2012 9:06 pm

Margaret M
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Subject: Lady K's solution to my problem Today at 2:54 pm


Hi Lady K - thank you. It's taken me a while to work out how to follow the postings. I'd love to have the solution - you can see from my posting how confused I am!
How will you let me know - by another posting?
Cheers. Maggie.
And thank you too Hapsheput. Oh dear, I've spelt it wrong, unforgivable. So sorry Hatshepsut.

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Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room   Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room EmptyFri Apr 20, 2012 9:48 pm

Knut didn't take into account the many people that really don't know how to read a real compass. Don't confuse being able to read a North, South, East, West arrow with reading a real compass. When using a real compass the arrow will always point to magnetic North no matter which direction you are facing and not always will it point on the top. If for instance you are watching the sun rise in the East and are holding a compass in your hand, the magnetic arrow (white) will point to your left (figure B) indicating North is that way. Using only part of Knuts diagram you can see this. You do not need to see the letters (N_S_E_W) on the on the face of the compass if you know that the white arrow always point to the North. So, right (top) of the white arrow would be East

Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room Compass_e2
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Lady Kestrel
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Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room   Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room EmptySat Apr 21, 2012 1:51 am

Let me grab my copious notes and find the solution that worked for me. I shall return.

Here be spoilers:

The entrance to the room is on the south wall, and the exit that you're trying to open is on the north wall. Turn right (east). There are two cabinets in this corner. The one on the south wall should be set to 33. The one on the east wall should be set to 75.

Head toward the north wall. There are two round screens in this corner. The image on the east wall should have 2 vertical and 3 horizontal lines. The image on the north wall should have 1 vertical and 1 horizontal line.

Move to the west wall. The cabinet on the north wall should be set to 19, and the one on the west wall should be 62.

Go to the south wall and the final two screens. The screen image on the west wall should have 3 vertical and two horizontal lines. The image on the south wall needs 2 vertical lines and 1 horizontal line.

Set the slider on the east wall box to violet and push the red button.
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Margaret M
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Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room Empty
PostSubject: Thanks for spoiler   Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room EmptySun Apr 22, 2012 8:59 pm

Thanks GreyFuss and Lady Kestrel. I need to go back into the game to check but I'm just about 999.9% sure that I have everything just as you say, Lady K... but that tiny percentage could be the difference between me quitting altogether or delving deeper into Rhem. I'll go and see what I've done: GreyFuss could be right about my mis-reading of the compass. Why do we put ourselves through these mind-tangling things? Hell's Teeth....
See ya.
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Margaret M
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Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room Empty
PostSubject: Those darned cabinets   Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room EmptySun Apr 22, 2012 9:18 pm

Yippee Ki-Ay Ki-Oh, or whatever it is they cry in American Westerns - I'm ecstatic Lady Kestrel, you've saved my sanity. I had two number panels wrong, that's all. So that miniscule % did make all the difference GreyFuss, thanks again all. Trouble is, now I can move on........I might be back again with more requests.
See ya.
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Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room   Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room EmptySun Apr 22, 2012 9:26 pm

cheers cheers cheers

Remember about the just may need them again.
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Lady Kestrel
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Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room   Rhem 4 - The pads and cabinets with central pillar room EmptyMon Apr 23, 2012 12:15 am

I'm so glad you made it through that part, Margaret! It's so often those little things that mess us up. Good luck with the rest!
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