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 Casual Games Fan

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Location : Land of Lincoln, USA

Casual Games Fan Empty
PostSubject: Casual Games Fan   Casual Games Fan EmptyFri Apr 15, 2016 8:58 pm

I found a great description of all HOPA casual games at one of the oldest and biggest forums for adventure games ... you know the one where you can find the best written walkthroughs for all kinds of games. The fascinating description included everything (and I do mean every detail) found in the games. It was a great post, but as a guest, I wasn't able to give my congratulations on a job well done!
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Location : Land of Lincoln, USA

Casual Games Fan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Casual Games Fan   Casual Games Fan EmptySat Jun 18, 2016 6:05 pm

I'm now playing a casual game series that does not follow the above description (or rules?) for casual games and it's quite an interesting adventure. It's the Mortimer Beckett series, four games in all. I know this is an old series of games as I played them some years back. At that time the games weren't available at BFG because they were made by GameHouse, but evidently that has changed now that that the games are so old, I guess. I'm having a great time playing and am almost finished with the last one which just might be the best one of them all.
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Location : Los Angeles, CA

Casual Games Fan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Casual Games Fan   Casual Games Fan EmptyMon Jun 20, 2016 12:21 am

I liked all of the Mortimer Beckett games. I ended up registering a GameHouse account so I could buy/play them as I was not sure BigFish would ever get them.
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Lady Kestrel
Daredevil Pioneer
Lady Kestrel

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Casual Games Fan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Casual Games Fan   Casual Games Fan EmptyFri Jul 08, 2016 2:17 am

I also enjoyed the Mortimer Becket games. I was a member of Game House long before Big Fish came along but just don't use them much anymore.
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Location : Los Angeles, CA

Casual Games Fan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Casual Games Fan   Casual Games Fan EmptyMon Jul 18, 2016 2:12 am

Yeah, I have not purchased a casual game from GameHouse in quite some time either. No real reason since bigfish gets most all releases now and always has good sales going on. I still have maybe 6-10 games I purchased from GameHouse but never played. Been trying to get through them, as I do not know if GameHouse will be around much longer. I have not heard any news on that mind you, just my gut feeling. As long as the games are downloaded and license is verified, games are playable even should GameHouse go away.
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Casual Games Fan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Casual Games Fan   Casual Games Fan Empty

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