Random subject/questions to anyone who's about . .
What novels exist directly associated with Adventure games and games we like to call Adventures or interactive novels/stories?
What games are based on novels? What novels stemmed FROM games?
Is there a Myst novel, for instance? Or a Dark Seed ACTUAL novel, a Syberia, a Simon The Sorcerer, a Black Mirror, a Moment Of Silence, a Death Gate or a Monkey Island? As you can see, the list is endless.
Are there, in fact, any novels, or short stories, that follow the game, or vice versa, very closely indeed?
I can think of some that are linked, or tenuously linked, but there must be some that are very closely linked indeed plot-wise.
Yet, I'm not sure if many DO actually follow games very closely in plot. Blade Runner is one of very few I can think of. Perhaps Dune too.
This only occurred to me tonight, so I've wasted some time ..... errm . . ruminating.
Any with ?? I am really not sure of.
Gabriel Knight : Sins Of The Fathers
I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream (short story in a longer book)
Chronicles Of Pern (series)
80 Days
Agatha Christie stories (various)
Nancy Drew (various)
Hardy Boys ??
Sherlock Holmes ?? Are there any games DIRECTLY linked to particular stories? Baskervilles is one.
Black Dahlia
Discworld (Yet Discworld Noir is not one)
Gateway ??
Sophie's World
Starship Titanic ??
The Martian Chronicles
The Dark Half
Hook (Peter Pan ?)
Jeckyll And Hyde
Swiss Family Robinson
Alice In Wonderland
Yellow Brick Road
Journey To The Centre Of The Earth
Largo Winch (A graphic novel, at least, exists)
The Legend Of Robin Hood
The Little Prince
Blade Runner
Odyssey ??
Ringworld and Return To Ringworld
Rhiannon (Very loosely based on a legend in the Mabinogion)
Robinson Crusoe
Shannara ??
Temujin ??
Famous Five (various)
The New Adventures Of The Time Machine
The Pillars Of The Earth
Tlon (A short story by, I think, Borges)
Voyage ??