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 Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart

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Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart   Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 EmptyThu Oct 21, 2010 7:03 pm

I thought last nights episode was the best one so far. I don't understand why the didn't vote Marty out either. That was probably a big mistake. It's going to be a battle between Brenda and Marty, that should be interesting.

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Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart   Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 EmptyThu Oct 21, 2010 9:05 pm

First off...I agree that last nights show was a step up for this season.

Now for all the talking that the younguns did about the plan to either get Marty out or flush out the Idol what happened when they could have done both after the tie vote. Who changed there vote, Fabio? Its clear somebody did right? What was the second vote anybody seen that? Who voted for who? One thing I like about watching Survivor is trying to understand outside of my own thoughts and what I would do if I were the other person. Looking outside my box I see that keeping Marty could be the better move here although I don't think that this angle was seen by the younguns. If you look at the numbers Marty's group (the older) is a dying breed almost so that they soon will be dwindled down to nothing and quite possible (pay attention here) dwindled down before the Jury begins. Looking at it this way we will see a Jury made up of maybe 90% younguns and the chances of them voting Marty the million is very slim, do you agree? So why not take him all the way to the end. With his personality rubbing younguns the wrong way and the Jury loaded with younguns could be a good strategy. Just pick off all the other olders left and he may not have a prayer. Now lets look down the line at Brenda, who would really want to sit next to her in the end. I have all the sympathy in the world for her but that is the problem. How many votes would she manage on sympathy alone at the end. So I am now looking at this as the most advantageous strategy that came out of that decision last night. Marty has no Power and only one ally and that might not be for long either. Will like to see if this angle will work out.

Now for the other tribe...Yve what the heck were you thinking telling the younguns that you are tight with the olders on the other tribe. If I hear that I am definitely changing gears and voting you off first before Dan. A big blunder and the "What? haven't you ever watched Survivor Before" award

I know this is a stretch but you know how I like to look outside the other persons box but could Dan possibly have a strategy about quiting? Is he using this to not look like a threat. I say this because usually somebody who talks so much about quiting will mention it at Tribal as Jeff grills them but in Dans case he keeps saying that he definitely wants to stay. I really don't feel that he is doing it but what if he is? Speaking of Dan quiting isn't Holly the last person in the world who should be lecturing somebody on how not to be a quitter? My mouth dropped when I heard what she was saying about quitters in her confessional.

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Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart   Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 EmptyThu Oct 21, 2010 10:09 pm

GreyFuss I would put my money on Fabio changing his vote. I don't think anyone can depend on him for the vote when it counts. I didn't see who voted for who on the second vote. You are right the young ones have the numbers and will sit on tribal. The older ones are dwindling fast and I think the young ones will just vote them all off. By your way of looking at it, it would be good strategy to keep Marty because no one would vote for him.

I couldn't believe that Yve told them she had alliances on the other team. Big mistake.

I am really wondering about Dan and if his strategy is to be as non threatening as possible. And I did notice that to Jeff he kept saying he definitely wasn't quiting. I just really can't quite get a take on Dan except that I am wondering if he is putting on an act. Holly giving lectures on quitting was to funny.

I have a feeling that what used to be the older team is going to keep on going to tribal. And I think that if the other teams goes then Jill will be voted off.

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart   Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 EmptyFri Oct 22, 2010 3:57 pm

I don't think Fabio voted Marty out to begin with. Actually in the second vote, Brenda did vote out Kelly B. Obviously she changed her mind during tribal.

As to Holly lecturing Dan....if you listened to what she had to say, she mentioned that she knows where he was coming from because she herself wanted to quit.

Yve was stupid to say what she said. I don't think Dan is pretending about quitting. He does want to quit...but his vote is too valuable right now to lose him. They'll keep him around even thought he's a liability in challenges.

Next week's episode we'll have to listen to Sash and Brenda explain what happened.
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Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart   Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 EmptySat Oct 23, 2010 2:17 am

I read that the final vote of the second vote was 5-1 to oust Kelly B. I am assuming that Janes is the lone vote for Marty. So it seems that this was the younguns plan the whole time to oust Kelly B. No matter whether Marty played the Idol or not the plan was for Kelly B to leave. So they had no plans to evict Marty , they only hoped he would use the Idol. Interested to see if they show us some confessionals as to there strategy behind that. I do think it is a good move keeping Marty on this day and maybe split the vote next time with him and Jill as I wouldn't expect another individual immunity. He plays the Idol and they remove Jill. At this point Jane may make it far into the merge as she has no allies and she would be easy to beat in a challenge later in the game.
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart   Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 EmptyThu Oct 28, 2010 4:15 am was pretty predictable. Happy that Espada won both challenges....despite Danny's lame attempt at the one. Naonka ruled in that water challenge with the ball. Her athleticism really showed. Great teamwork in that immunity challenge between Benry and Alina.

Looks like last week's plan all along was to oust Kelly B. Really though it was stupid of Marty to give up his idol. If the rest of the tribe were really smart...since Sash is a huge threat they would have been better served to vote his arrogant arse out and eliminate the idol as well.

Looks like the merge is next week.
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PostSubject: Re: Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart   Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 EmptyThu Oct 28, 2010 6:54 am

LOL and Dan lives again...

Predictable is what we get with a reshuffle that is not even and no game play either. I would do the same. If you don't have to play why? It also showed that Marty has no game play, laying down and giving up the Idol like that . Once Sash revealed the split plan to him he could have used that to try and plant the seed that maybe there is one of the group that may just not go along with them. Then playing their 3-2 split will backfire on them which may put them to wondering that if Fabio or Jane flip their split would turn out to be 2 for Jill 2 for Marty and 3 for whoever Marty and Jill chose and they could just lose their power and be in the minority. This might have put those younguns to scrambling and just might make them worry enough to change the plan. It would have been worth the try. Marty still uses the Idol and saves himself for one week even if it doesn't. For one thing making the deal with Sash really didn't ensure that the others wouldn't vote for him and would you really believe that he would give it back after tribal . He would have had to realize that a ten merge was only one more tribal immunity away ( it is earlier but he wouldn't have known it) There really hasn't been any game play to speak of so far this season and with an early merge next week and the probable predictable voting out of more olders leaving a lot of youngsters how much game play can we expect in the future.
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Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart   Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 04, 2010 3:28 pm

First I don't have much to say about last nights episode as there wasn't any gameplay except for keeping Dan, Naonka and Marty is probably good strategy for the end game. What I do have to talk about is the very end of Tribal. Alina is the first person of the Jury which means probably another final 3 with a 9 member Jury. After the first 2 seasons that they used final 3's I am not in favor of it as it hasn't really had the impact they had hoped for as far as I remember but maybe this season will be different. I also like it the way they used to do it early on in Survivor when the first one voted off after the merge did not make the Jury.

Now lets talk about the Ponderosa....Its a 5 star hotel for crying out loud..., holy crap...whats up with that? I don't like the Ponderosa to begin with but I did, at least, like them spending their time in pup tents or portable shacks with a Lanai as there eating gathering place. What has brought this maybe?...Logistics? Couldn't they at least used an off beat hotel with grass shacks or something? What I dislike about the Ponderosa is it is just done for the viewers. Early on in Survivor the Jury members were for the most part sequestered from each other and except for some day trips they weren't to discuss the game. That way their votes would be genuine at the end for what time they spent in the game and what they saw of the other players. Now with Ponderosa these people still get to play the game. Lying and trying to manipulate others on the Jury. Also they are learning things everyday that they were not privy to when they were in the game which could influence their vote. When Jeff snuffs out your torch you are done and should not be able to play no more. This could be why final three votes don't work. The Jury can get a feel of what the others are going to do and maybe they don't want to look foolish being the only votes a the Finale for a third place finisher or they want to go along with the flow because they want to be on the winning side of choosing the winner on live TV. I know they wont get rid of it because they get so many hits on their web site but the Ponderosa isn't part of playing the game and I it shouldn't be part of the purity of "The Game" Survivor once was.

Hopefully with the younguns having to start eating their own soon we will start to see some game play and more strategy to help save the season. Really not the fault of the players more or less because of circumstance, they really haven't had to do much plotting and conniving so far....hope that changes soon as their is only 5 more weeks. 5 more weeks? That brings up this question...We we not have to suffer to a recap episode this year because the show is aired on Wednesday and not interrupted by Thanksgiving? They same question could be asked about next season with March Madness.
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Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart   Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 EmptyFri Nov 05, 2010 5:42 am

I was so sure that Marty was going to get voted out. I think he'll be gone next week.

I think you are right about the Ponderosa. What has brought this on ? My guess would be money. They wouldn't do it if it wasn't profitable.

Maybe this season will start to get better when the youngster start eliminating each other. Some of them seem to be piranas.

I am wondering about next weeks tribal. From the previews it seemed like something was said or done that had Jeff going.

What is a recap episode ? I don't remember from last season. Is it a whole episode of what they do at the beginning of each weeks episode ?


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Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart   Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 EmptyFri Nov 05, 2010 5:33 pm

Hi Hats

The recap episodes were nothing more than summaries of all the previous shows that are filler for 2 Thursdays a year when they know that ratings would be low. Thanksgiving Day and the first week or 2 of March Madness for the NCAA Basketball Tournament. They advertise that you will see many scenes not previously shown but they never develop to much. Most of the recap has already been seen and known. One Tournament they really frosted my knuckles when they had no episode the first week then after 14 days of no Survivor the next weeks episode was a recap that I had no idea of until I sat down to watch. That made it 21 days between real episodes. I was so p---ed I wrote to CBS to complain. Hopefully they wont have these anymore since the show moved to Wednesdays but I am not holding out hope.
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Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart   Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 EmptyFri Nov 12, 2010 7:21 pm

Anyone want to wager a guess as to what the players were so shocked about when they returned to camp in the previews of next weeks show?
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Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart   Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 EmptyFri Nov 12, 2010 8:46 pm

Hi GreyFuss

They better be thankful that all they got from a p***ed GreyFuss was a letter. 21 days between real episodes would make me a little irate too Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 916703

I can't think what they were shocked about. Maybe the monkeys invaded the camp scratch What do you think it was ?

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Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart   Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 EmptyMon Nov 15, 2010 6:33 am

My first guess was that an animal got into the chicken cage a killed the remaining chicken. It happened in a previous season. But after seeing a preview of this weeks episode it looks like a fire has destroyed part or all of there camp which also happened in another season. If it was a fire I wonder if there is a chance that production has anything to do with it. After all making them more uncomfortable adds to the tensions around camp and it could shake up the game to make viewing a little more interesting.
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Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart   Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 EmptyMon Nov 15, 2010 5:48 pm

A fire in the camp would certainly shake things up and make life more unconfortable. Would production really do that ?

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Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart   Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 18, 2010 6:23 pm

GreyFuss you were right about the reason they were shocked. Fire in the camp. When they started putting those boxes around the fire I thought that is disaster in the making. I thought these guys were survivors. Even if you've never been camping before you would think that everyone would know you just don't put wood next to fire.

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PostSubject: Re: Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart   Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 18, 2010 8:32 pm

No great revelation on my part Hats, it was shown in the previews.

Finally a show that had some game play strategy going on. Way to go Holly for getting it going. Although I think they dodged a bullet that Sash didn't secretly give her the Idol. It all worked out for them as it did work but I thought they may have switched the vote to Sash without him knowing so no matter what if he gave it to Brenda or kept it he would have gone home with or without the idol.

Thought the challenges where very good way to go Jane. If I was in the game her win would be just one more reason not to keep her around too long as the last challenge is usually a tough one and she has proven twice not that she can do it.
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Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart   Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 18, 2010 10:27 pm

I agree Jane is absolutely awesome. It was incrediable the way she won that challenge.

It was a good game play strategy. Maybe finally we are going to see some good game play strategy. In the previews it looked like Naoke was on the outs with everyone. I wonder what that was about?

I wnder how the jury is getting a long with each other.

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PostSubject: Re: Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart   Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 18, 2010 11:00 pm


You can catch a glimpse of how the Jury is getting along each week at here Ponderosa
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Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart   Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 18, 2010 11:04 pm

Thanks GF I'll take a look. I wouldn't think it would be very pleasant between Brenda and Marty. Should be interesting to see.

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Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart   Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 25, 2010 5:20 pm

Well I guess last nights episode is what you call a recap. I didn't like it very much. Kind of boring really. I hope they don't do that again.

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Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart   Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 25, 2010 6:33 pm

hatshepsut wrote:
Well I guess last nights episode is what you call a recap. I didn't like it very much. Kind of boring really. I hope they don't do that again.


lol! Welcome to the club!
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Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart   Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 EmptyTue Nov 30, 2010 4:35 pm


Previews show that there may be 2 quitters this week......god I hope not. I know it can sometimes be hell playing this game and sitting in the cold and rain hour after hour day after day with nowhere to escape to must be horrible. I would be thinking of 2 things that might help me through to the end (and the end is near for them) Thinking about the humiliation at the Finale show and all the interviews that would pound me forever let alone facing my family and friends. Not being able to show my face at all the Survivor functions for the rest of my life because I was a quitter. Whenever people recognize me on the street from the show all the will remember is that I was a quitter nothing else. I would hope that these thoughts would help me over the hard times. And nobody who hasn't played the game can know their discomfort.
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Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart   Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 EmptyWed Dec 01, 2010 5:09 pm

I saw that on a preveiw too, seems silly to quit when you are so close to the end. Seems like there have been quite a few whiners this season. So if these two quite will they go on the jury ?

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PostSubject: Re: Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart   Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 EmptyWed Dec 01, 2010 5:40 pm

hatshepsut wrote:
So if these two quite will they go on the jury ?

That is an excellent question. Usually the few that have quit come in the first couple of weeks so if (and I do say if) someone does quit in my mind they don't deserve to be on the Jury and be able to Judge others that stuck with it. This would be a first I think for quitting this late in the game. Thats if someone does quit. I don't read much into what Burnett lets us see in the previews to drum up interest for a show. His slight of hand has fooled many of times in the past. Besides it may be that someone is quitting a challenge and they cut that footage to make us think something else...he is a master of the cutting room floor

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PostSubject: Re: Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart   Survivor Nicaragua Young at Heart - Page 2 EmptyWed Dec 01, 2010 5:45 pm

Well...I guess folks don't worry about "humilition" which would be short-lived in this day and age. ...particularly when compared to being miserable. And if folks thought they had absolutely no chance at the 1 million, that's less of a disincentive. I predict one will be Naonka. She's been a whiner from day one. What other lady since I don't see any of the guys quitting. Kelly purple?
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