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 Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 EmptyWed Dec 22, 2010 2:35 am

I tried googling for reviews of Backpacker PC game, and some of the links took me to GameSpot, but it looks like GameSpot did away with their gamer's reviews, and the other links didn't look like they were review links, so - what kind of game is backpacker?

Last edited by AlienBZ on Wed Dec 22, 2010 2:50 am; edited 2 times in total
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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 EmptyWed Dec 22, 2010 2:49 am

It's an adventure game.

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 EmptyWed Dec 22, 2010 2:51 am

found 1 copy of this game [backpacker] going for $70 buy it now on ebay with the description:
Quote :
Detective/mystery/puzzle-solving third-person point-and-click adventure game. Solve a murder case of 60 years ago.

Yeah, another murder mystery. I'm not particularly interested in murder mysteries anymore, but I still will play and make comic books of the murder mystery games that I have in my collection (CSI series, Law & Order series, but with other titles such as Sinking Island, I might edit the screenies in photoshop to make it look like the comic is a scientific/nature mystery instead - how, how I would love to do a nature mystery graphic novel, complete with humans/aliens, animals, both indoors and outdoors!

Why are so many PC games being published these days happen to be murder mysteries??
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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 EmptyWed Dec 22, 2010 3:01 am

Backpacker is a very rare game from 1997.

Murder mysteries have always been a popular theme for adventure games.

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Speculative Fortune-Hunter

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 EmptyWed Dec 22, 2010 7:23 am

Items in the first picture are straight "From the Dungeons of Castle GreyFuss". Many thanks.
Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 DSC00134
Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 DSC00133
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 EmptyWed Dec 22, 2010 7:43 am

Wow! You bagged 13 games to the 7 that I bagged last week searching on the internet for the latest-releases of '08 - '10 of my "wanted" games, Mullane! How did you get so lucky? And you got all of them in time for Christmas yet! Wowiee! I'm wondering if you have more games on the way, Mullane?

As for me, 5 of the games that I bagged last week have arrived at our house within the last 2 days, and the last 2 are from Stoke-on-Trent and London, UK. 1 game (from London) was mailed on the 20th, and the game from Stoke-on-Trent was mailed today, I believe
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 EmptyWed Dec 22, 2010 8:52 am

I've definitely purchased games before with only the JC just so I could play it, so you are not the only one to do so AlienBZ. In fact, there are plenty of games in my library that are just JC. Would I trade them all for fully boxed versions? You betcha! I love me some boxes, the bigger the better. Very Happy

Seems like Mullane and GreyFuss are leading the way here in terms of total games bagged by the end of year. Ang is right behind them though, hehe. I've been buying quite a few games, but they are almost all digital downloads so no pretty boxes and jewel cases to showcase.

I gotta say, that is a mint looking Rex Nebular box you got there Ang! Same goes for the Neverhood box GreyFuss. I'm jealous of you there because my Neverhood box is all smushed up. Not my doing of course, the person I bought it from didn't take very good care of it I guess.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 EmptyWed Dec 22, 2010 3:17 pm

Very nice Mullane. I love the Symbiocom Dracula 3 boxes.

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 EmptySun Dec 26, 2010 12:38 am

Here are the boxed expeditions I got for Xmas '10, folks -

Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 Xmasgames2010a

Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 Xmasgames2010b

plus 2 more package deals are on the way.
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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 EmptySun Dec 26, 2010 2:27 am

Excellent Xmas gifts AlienBZ. Lots of adventuring for you into the new year.
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Speculative Fortune-Hunter

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 EmptyMon Dec 27, 2010 1:55 am

Looks like a good haul Alien. Very nice.

Here is one of the things my brother got me for christmas cheers
Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 DSC00136

I finally got Runaway 3!!
This copy has been sitting in my local rip-off merchant store (EB Games) since it released. I was originally excited to see an adventure stocked other than sherlock holmes and nancy drew, but it was quickly ruined when it had a price of $50 on it. I didn't buy it, but picked it up every other time I went into the store. And today I picked it up and finally they had reduced the price to $25. Very Happy
Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 DSC00135
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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 EmptyMon Dec 27, 2010 2:11 pm

I am so jealous Mullane, you have so many new adventures to enjoy and here I sit with nothing
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 EmptyThu Dec 30, 2010 5:09 pm

Very nice Christmas presents Mullane Smile Enjoy

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Speculative Fortune-Hunter

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 EmptyWed Jan 05, 2011 9:54 am

There is a user on ebay called "topladwayne" and he often has a lot of adventure games and old pc games for sale. I have always been too worried to buy anything from him because his listings are usually very unclear when it comes to what you are getting and the condition of it. Anyway I finally caved and bought these 4 games off him for a reasonable price. Though when I got it in the mail it was all horribly packed, squished into some kind of plastic bag with a bit of bubble wrap shoved in. As you might imagine, it was badly damaged in transit. I am now the happy owner of some horrible boxes Sad . Anyone had any dealings with this user?
Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 DSC00153

But all is not dire. I am very happy with these 3 other things that turned up at my door.
Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 DSC00151
All sealed and in great condition.
Gothos is a little bowed from the tight shrinkwrap. I end up spending more on this than I probably would have before being caught up in the heat of sniping; too late now. I hope I didn't ruin someones day on ebay that fateful morn?

Now where is my mower to open these babies up?? Cool
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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 EmptyWed Jan 05, 2011 1:51 pm

An excellent haul Mullane. The sealed ones are beautiful and to have Gothos as one of them is fantastic. Shame about the damaged ones. Some sellers just don't get it, especially shipping overseas where their is more handling and more chance for damage.
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 EmptyWed Jan 05, 2011 5:10 pm

GOTHOS.... IN A BOX!!..and SEALED ta boot. Mullane...nice nice nice. I am sorry that some sellers just don't care. Isn't that a shame too. I hope you contact them and let them know .If I am not sure about any of their info I send a message to them. If they don't answer within three days it normally sends the message that they are not serious sellers and I move on. GF has suggested to me to contact the seller and ask to ship in a box and offer to pay extra shipping. Many times they have said no problem and never added more shipping cost..just sent in a box.
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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 EmptyThu Jan 06, 2011 12:26 am

Gothos in a box sealed wow very very nice Mullane Very Happy

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 EmptyMon Jan 10, 2011 7:55 pm

Been after this for quite a while. So glad I managed to find one at last. Smile

Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 Dscf2110
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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 EmptyMon Jan 10, 2011 8:13 pm

Isn't it a great feeling when one of these vintage big boxes finally reaches your hands. Good find Gee Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 2
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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 EmptyMon Jan 10, 2011 8:51 pm

Indeed it is GF. This one took quite a bit of digging. Now, what's next?? Hmm!!
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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 EmptyMon Jan 10, 2011 9:42 pm

Great find Gelert. Very nice box Smile

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 EmptyMon Jan 10, 2011 11:28 pm

cheers Very nice Gelert!!
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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 EmptySat Jan 15, 2011 12:26 am

More, More More

#1. If anyone has Time Warrior: The Armageddon Device in its original big box and wants to sell it so you have more room, call me.

#2. I can't believe how hard it is to find Nile: An Ancient Egyptian Quest especially in its big big.

#3. What a great addition to any collection, Rocky Interactive Horror Show

Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 IMGP5809
Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 IMGP5790
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Last edited by GreyFuss on Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:13 am; edited 1 time in total
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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 Empty
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Oh my gosh very nice absolutely beautiful fantastic finds Greyfuss Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 21 7

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Rocky Horror's cool GreyFuss. Smile
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