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 Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 EmptyTue Jul 16, 2013 7:53 pm

Okay, will do.
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 EmptySun Jul 21, 2013 3:02 am

ZOINKS!!!!!!!!!!!! Three tough games to find....Mullane is the man.

Mullane wrote:
Which thread do we use?

Anyway I have a photo to show you. Enjoy.

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 EmptySun Aug 18, 2013 2:38 am

I haven't purchased many new/used adventure games in a bit. I took advantage of a Steam sale and bought Papo & Yo at a nice price. Also bought Satinav: The Dark Eye on another Steam sale. GamersGate had a sale on System Shock 2 which I snapped up. I have the boxed version but prefer digital as a nice backup. Keeps the boxed version nice and pristine.

Has anyone else heard about the newest Humble bundle? Origin is packing up like 7 or 8 of their newer games into one bundle. You can set your own price, starting at $1 I think. Pay over $5 to unlock a few other games like the Sims 3 and Battlefield 3. A healthy portion of the money goes to charity. No adventure games in the mix, but they had Dead Space, Dead Space 3, Mirror's Edge, Medal of Honor (remake), Crysis 2. Anybody who likes action should find something to like here.

Humble Bundle website
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 EmptySun Aug 18, 2013 5:08 am

I haven't gotten any new games in awhile either. But I did get Sam and Max Hit the Road, Safecracker 2 and So Blonde last month.

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Opportunist Explorer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 EmptyThu Apr 03, 2014 1:26 pm

Hi guys, how’s it going? It’s been ages since I last posted on this site!

Well, here’s the latest addition to my collection of vintage adventure games, bought a few months ago from Gelert!  cheers   cheers   cheers 

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Now, Tsunami was never a big player on the adventure game scene but they produced some pretty decent games during the early to mid-90’s, like "Blue Force" , "Protostar" and others. The two “Ringworld” games (“Ringworld:Revenge of the Patriarch” released in 1992 and “Return to Ringworld” two years later), based on Larry Niven’s books, were probably their best. They’re sci-fi adventures and despite some flaws, like a lot of pixel-hunting and two extremely irritating mazes in the second game, they ’re definitely worth checking out if you’re a fan of the genre.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 EmptySat Apr 05, 2014 4:48 am

Very nice addition to your collection emmanuel5  Smile 

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 EmptySun Apr 13, 2014 12:35 am

Cool, thanks for taking the time to share with us! If you bought them from Gelert, you know they were well taken care of. Pictures show everything looking in decent physical condition which is always nice for an old big box game. I miss this thread, shame that most games are direct downloads now, thus threads like this become lost. I know Mullane was on a roll, posting pics of all kinds of hard to find or obscure older big box games.
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Speculative Fortune-Hunter

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 EmptyThu May 08, 2014 2:39 am

It has been a while but I do have some new things to show off... when I get around to it.
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 EmptySun May 11, 2014 12:52 am

Take your time long as it is not too slow in coming!  What a Face 
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Speculative Fortune-Hunter

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 EmptyFri May 23, 2014 9:06 am

Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 20140523_175036_zpseab68179

Creature Crunch - Finally got around to buying this.
Shadow of the Comet - Price seems inflated recently. Took me a long while to find one cheap enough.
Night Trap - Have bid on many copies of this over the last few years, one finally stuck.
Secret Mission - English voices but german text (or the other way around). Was cheap enough not to be largely annoying. Anyone know if there is a full english copy?
The Vampire's Coffin - Was cheap and I didn't own it.
Cyberdreams - In german? Boobs... boobs. boobs.

Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 20140523_175143_zpsd000a9d6

The real rarities
Cosmology of Kyoto - Very happy about this one. Never seen it for sale before, went for less than I expected.  Very Happy 
Case of the Cautious Condor - Wasn't letting a second copy escape me.

Happy ogling.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 EmptyFri May 23, 2014 4:53 pm

Very nice Mullane. A couple of those games are becoming harder to aquire. I don't know if there is a full Emglish version of Secret Mission.

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Lady Kestrel
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Lady Kestrel

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 EmptySat May 24, 2014 10:00 pm

Nice haul, Mulane, especially Cosmology of Kyoto! I read somewhere that a remake of Night Trap is planned or is already being made.
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 EmptyMon May 26, 2014 12:34 am

Nice haul! Around your birthday too! Congrats.

I've never heard of Cyberdreams before. The text on the box looks English, but you say the game is German? Is it adventure'ish? The cover looks tittilating (no pun intended).

I'm pretty sure there is no full English version of Secret Mission.

Cosmology of Kyoto! I wish I owned the full lotus flower box version of this. That would be a prime jewel. Even the standard box looks very cool though.
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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 EmptyMon May 26, 2014 8:30 pm

I see you are still into the collecting Mullane. You must have just about everything by now. Great finds in your last haul. Love the Secret Mission box and Night Trap is beautiful. Speaking of the Night Trap game, I have heard a rumor the original creator may want to re-release it with updated graphics or redo the whole thing. Never played it myself so I am not sure what its all about.
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 EmptyTue May 27, 2014 12:59 am

The original Night Trap was no fun at all. Really no game play to it, you just had to monitor cameras and set traps and know ahead of time which camera to be at at a certain time to catch the baddies. Not sure a re-release would sell all that well unless a whole bunch of gameplay mechanisms are updated. I agree though that the big box PC version is a cool collector's item.
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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 EmptyTue May 27, 2014 3:22 am

I agree lakerz the Night Trap big box is very cool. It's one of my favorite boxes.  Smile 

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 EmptyTue May 27, 2014 8:01 am

Night Trap remake
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Speculative Fortune-Hunter

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 EmptyFri May 30, 2014 3:02 am

lakerz wrote:
Nice haul!  Around your birthday too!  Congrats.

I've never heard of Cyberdreams before.  The text on the box looks English, but you say the game is German?  Is it adventure'ish?  The cover looks tittilating (no pun intended).

I'm pretty sure there is no full English version of Secret Mission.

Cosmology of Kyoto!  I wish I owned the full lotus flower box version of this.  That would be a prime jewel.  Even the standard box looks very cool though.

These have been acquired over a longish period of time, probably up to a year.

I'm not sure if Cyberdreams is in english, it's still shrinkwrapped. But there is boobs, and that's the main points.

I may have to bear having only half the game in english then (Secret Mission).

I've never seen the lotus box for Cosmology of Kyoto, I imagine that would fetch a hefty sum.

GreyFuss wrote:
I see you are still into the collecting Mullane. You must have just about everything by now.

Yes, still collecting, but things are much slower. It's getting harder to find things I don't have, and some of those things I've never seen for sale anywhere and if they did I'm sure they would fetch a few hundred pretty easily.
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 EmptyMon Jun 09, 2014 1:13 am

Yes, the lotus box version is super rare and always fetches crazy sums of money online. I saw a few detailed screenshots of it, and they were beautiful. I wish I had saved them, because now I can't find the same high quality pics now. If you use google images for 'cosmology of kyoto box' you can see a few lower res pics of it. It starts out as a black rectangular box, but then unfolds in many parts to show the insides.
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 EmptySun Nov 09, 2014 2:48 am

I was quite pleased to see this little rarity turn up on my doorstep the other day. Thanks goes out to the anonymous friend who (greatly) helped locate this obscure title.

Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 ExBzDrdgj

Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 P11Boui7j
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 EmptyMon Nov 10, 2014 4:27 pm

Very nice lakerz.

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 EmptyMon Jun 22, 2015 10:52 am

Did anyone participate/pick up any games in GOG's recent sale ?
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 EmptyWed Jun 24, 2015 5:32 am

I didn't get any games. Did you pick any up Faust?

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 EmptyWed Jun 24, 2015 1:07 pm

A fair bit actually , Hats . I picked up , just to name a couple , A New Beginning :Final Cut , Machinarium :Collector's Edition ,  F.E.A.R 2 : Project Origin ,  Thief : Deadly Shadows , & Witcher 3 . GOG's selection is such , that I would rather buy from them than Steam .
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 6 EmptyMon Jun 29, 2015 3:53 am

Looks like you picked up some nice games Faust. Machinarium was a very enjoyable game.
I also prefer GOG. It just seems to be so much easier to redownload from them when the old computer goes haywire.

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