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 Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 3:43 pm

tsampikos wrote:
What I bought during the last 10 days:

1.Hollywood Monsters (retail FX Interactive Version)

2. Secrets of Atlantis- The sacred Legacy.

Secrets of Atlantis was a great chance. The guy i bought it from was selling only the CDs without any box or case for only 3,5 USD+ very minor shipping costs (since there was no box or case to post). I grabbed them all for less than 10 USD including shipping costs (Shipping costs from US or Canada to Europe are not exactly cheap). When it arrived i realised that the CDs were in a like new condition. I had a tripple brand new jewel case, printed the covers and voila! I had a brand new cased Secrets of Atlantis. Very Happy

Tsam, are you going to post photos of 'em here?
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 7:37 pm

Nice buys tsampikos Smile To bad you didn't get the box with Secrets to Atlantis, it is a nice box. A very enjoyable game also Smile

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 EmptyTue Apr 17, 2012 12:06 am

To date I just got these:

Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 TheSydneyMystery

Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 DestinationMarsJulia

Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 CentralHigh

Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 AzraelTear
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 EmptyWed Apr 18, 2012 11:31 pm

2 more arrivals to The iyIMeeMe Palace, Pointers - an AG and a CG (casual game, when I bought it I thought it was an AG, but I'm sure it'll be fun). Am I even allowed to include photos of CG's here as well as AG's?

Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 GHOSThuntersandGrayMatter
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 EmptyThu Apr 19, 2012 1:24 am

This thread is for Adventure games. There are threads in Limbo of the Lost Adventurer for casual games.


Last edited by hatshepsut on Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:49 am; edited 1 time in total
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 EmptyThu Apr 19, 2012 2:10 am

hatshepsut wrote:
This thread is for Adventure games. There are threads in general topics for casual games.


Ok, shall I edit my last post accordingly?
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Swashbuckling Globetrotter

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 EmptyThu Apr 19, 2012 7:06 am

In my opinion you are right here @AlienBZ. Since the question which is asked is "what did you buy", then you are right here. Also the Casual Adventures are considered as adventure games either we like it or not.
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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 EmptyThu Apr 19, 2012 1:33 pm

I agree to some degree Tsampikos, as the Casual game is seemingly incidental in the pic on this occasion.

However, this is the 'Adventure Game Discussion' section ........ and we'd really prefer if 'Casual' games were from now on shown and discussed in the section of the forum which I created (on request from some members), especially for them if that's okay, namely 'Limbo of the Lost Adventurer' (with section content summarised as sub-text).

No harm done though on this occasion of course. It's only a very minor matter and one hardly worth mentioning, but since you mentioned it in response I thought it best to reply.

So, please AlienBZ, Tsampikos, et al, from now on take separate pics of your Adventure and Casual game 'great finds' and post them in the separate sections.

That way there's little possibility of anyone browsing the forums thinking "Ooh! That's an Adventure game I've not heard of. I'll buy it online asap.". Some people browse but never post, remember; Both members and non-members.

The less confusion the better.

Thanks folks! cheers
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 EmptyThu Apr 19, 2012 3:19 pm

Gelert wrote:

So, please AlienBZ, Tsampikos, et al, from now on take separate pics of your Adventure and Casual game 'great finds' and post them in the separate sections.

Ok, Gelert, will do.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 EmptyThu Apr 19, 2012 3:20 pm

Thanks AlienBZ. Much appreciated.
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Swashbuckling Globetrotter

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 EmptyWed Jul 04, 2012 7:20 am

Today I opened the Door ready to go to work and guess what! Deponia was waiting for me, brand new directly from the UK Very Happy !

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 EmptyWed Jul 04, 2012 2:48 pm

Very nice tsampikos Very Happy Enjoy the game

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 EmptyWed Jul 04, 2012 2:57 pm

Yummy ! Smile
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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 EmptyMon Jul 09, 2012 6:39 pm

Haven't got a new game in a while, but I'd been waiting for this one to pop up for a while. For younger players, but a nice little harmonica and case came with it. The look of the game reminds of The Pagemaster.

Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 Baf3351a

Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 691ba84a
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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 EmptyMon Jul 09, 2012 6:50 pm

I haven't heard of this one before. It looks really cool Gelert Smile

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 EmptyMon Jul 09, 2012 7:54 pm

Hi Hats. Take a look at the page in the database. Tells you a little about it. Box blurb anyway. Smile
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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 EmptyMon Jul 09, 2012 8:44 pm

Thanks Gelert Smile I'll take a look

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 EmptySun Jul 15, 2012 2:06 am

Cool Gelert, 'Junkyard Jam' from Southpeak Interactive. I had not heard of the game until you posted.

I like the box for Deponia, very playful! I hope the game is good too.
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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb from ebay   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 EmptySun Jul 22, 2012 7:22 am

I rarely buy boxed games off ebay since international postage is usually quite high. But this one was an exception:

Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 0277-2

I played the floppy disk version of "Inherit The Earth" on my Amiga when it was first released in 1994 and since then it has been one of my favourite adventure games! I had never played the PC CD-ROM version until I came across a copy on UK ebay a few weeks ago. The price was just 11 GBP (around 17 USD), shipping included, and of course I bought it without second thought! This game is quite hard to find in its boxed edition and at this price even a stingy old fart like me would consider it a bargain!

“Inherit The Earth” was developed by The Dreamers' Guild, the same guys who gave us the classic sci-fi thriller "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream". After the extinction of the human race, tribes of intelligent anthropomorphic animals have inherited Earth, living in harmony with nature. They worship humans as gods and they use the "gifts" left behind by them (the remnants of human technology) in their everyday life. You play as Rif (he's the fox in the box art), who is falsely accused of stealing the Orb of Storms, an ancient artifact with the power to predict the weather. Together with Eeah (an elk) and Oak (a boar), Rif will start on a long journey to prove his innocence and recover the Orb. During his quest, he'll learn a lot of things about the long-forgotten history of Earth and discover the truth behind the mysterious disappearance of Man and how animals came to replace us as rulers of the planet.

The story is wonderful and personally reminded me of Aesop's Fables, apparently simple but with a deep meaning. The graphics are colourful and detailed, there are dozens of places to explore and people to talk to, tons of inventory-based puzzles... this is adventure gaming at its best! The CD-ROM version features full speech and some nice animated cutscenes not present in the floppy disk version. The game even comes with a beautifully illustrated manual which is a joy to flip through:

Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 0271-2

Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 0268-2

There is a site dedicated to “Inherit The Earth”, where you can find comics, concept art, demos and other cool stuff about the game and also buy downloadable versions compatible with modern OS, like Windows 7 and Linux. You can check it out here:

Still, if you ever come across a retail copy sold at a reasonable price on ebay or elsewhere, it's really worth adding to your game collection.
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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 EmptySun Jul 22, 2012 11:04 pm

Very nice emmanuel5. Thanks for the added information Smile

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 EmptyMon Jul 23, 2012 6:34 am

Awesome emmanuel5! I wonder how hard it is to get that version to work with XP or 7? I own the older version too and never bought the remake when it came out.
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Opportunist Explorer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 EmptyMon Jul 23, 2012 7:51 am

Thank you for your comments, hatshepsut and lakerz! The original version of "Inherit the Earth" is DOS-only and does not work with any version of Windows. However, like most older games it works fine with DOSBox 0.74.
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 EmptyFri Jul 27, 2012 5:50 pm

Got this game, a HC (hard copy = game in disc format) from Just Adventure's online store.

Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 Corrosion

and this the other day -

Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 Aurynquest
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 EmptySun Jul 29, 2012 1:18 am

I didn't realize that Corrosion: Cold Winter had a boxed DVD version. Will have to hunt that down.
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 EmptySun Jul 29, 2012 1:20 am

lakerz wrote:
I didn't realize that Corrosion: Cold Winter had a boxed DVD version. Will have to hunt that down.

Yes, if you buy it from the JA website's game store, you can either get it as d/l only (cheaper) or as both a d/l + boxed copy (10 bucks more).
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PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) - Page 3 Empty

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