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 Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!!

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!!   Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 EmptySat Mar 13, 2010 9:41 pm

Oh so it was Rob who married a girl from the show. It is too bad but it's inevitable that he will be out at the first opportunity. He was good at pulling the team together and getting them to work together. But I guess it's a different story when they merge isn't ? I mean then they will mostly be for their own self ? So even if Russell made it to the merge without using the immunity he could still use it against Rob ?

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Mystery Lover
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PostSubject: Re: Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!!   Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 EmptySat Mar 13, 2010 9:57 pm

If Rob were still there he could. But he won't make the merge. GreyFuss said he isn't sure when they will merge this time. It's usually when there are 10 or 12 people left. Except Once, when they never merged!
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Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!!   Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 EmptyThu Mar 25, 2010 2:45 pm

I almost missed out as they moved the episode to last night due to March Madness (basketball). I only caught the end, but Rob had the perfect scenario to oust Russell or Parvati. Tyson was an idiot and it cost him! are right, Russell is GOOD at this game! Twisted Evil
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Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!!   Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 EmptyThu Mar 25, 2010 3:10 pm

jkeerie it was just unbelievable. Tyson was an idiot.

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Mystery Lover
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Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!!   Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 EmptyThu Mar 25, 2010 4:57 pm

Russell is King of Survivor!! He is now my #1 most favorite player!! It's like he was made to play this game!
Say bye-bye to Rob next week! Funny, Rob told Russ to watch his back because he is playing in the big leagues now... But Rob is scared. If the villains lose next week, Rob is gone!
That was an awesome tribal council! Russell duped Tyson into voting for Parv, and at the same time, he made himself look honest in front of Coach. Remember Russell's clever convo with Coach, was it last week.. He told Coach that if he sides with him, and he had the idol and needed it, he would give it to him... now Coach sees that Russell is telling the truth because Parv is his ally, she needed the idol, he had it, and gave it to her. Why do you think he addressed Coach right before he gave the idol to Parv? So he would see that he is a man of his word... at least that's what he wants Coach to believe. I'm guessing Coach bought that, and Russ gets him and Jerri as allies, and Rob gets voted out.
Russ plants seeds, lays a foundation, builds on it, and then it's harvest time!
I'm so glad James is gone! Although I never like it when BOTH tribes have to go to tribal council. It never seems fair. However I liked how 2 people got individual immunity, and then the 2 battled it out for food. That was well done. Great epidode!
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!!   Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 EmptyFri Apr 02, 2010 3:30 pm really know this game!!!!!! Shocked

The heroes may actually stand a chance now. There team is unified and strong. The villains team is now weakened without Rob...but you called it!

So...ML...what does your crystal ball tell you will happen next. I'm more entertained by your dead on predictions than I am with the show! cheers
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Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!!   Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 EmptyFri Apr 02, 2010 4:40 pm

jkeerie that is just the cutest little rabbit penguin.

I wasn't very surprised that Rob got sent home especially after last week. Good call Mystery Lover. I think sending Rob home is going to be the downfall of the Villians. The Heroes look incrediable now. I think the Heroes are going to dominate the game now and the Villians are going to be going to alot of Tribal Councils. I bet Sandra goes home next. I think that the Heroes are going to form a strong alliance. Looks like the Villians are going to be leaderless now. What do you think Mystery Lover ?

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Mystery Lover
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Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!!   Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 EmptyFri Apr 02, 2010 10:52 pm

Well hatshepsut... I respectfully disagree. Here's why. Next week is the merge. No more Villains and Heroes. No more teams. Now it's individual immunity all the way to the end! Only thing that matters - the right allies.
Russell is running the show! The girls are his harem.
Coach in my opinion is gone next week. I beleive this because he PROMISED Russell he would write down Rob's name, and he lied. He promised Rob that he would write down Russell's name, and he lied. Coach has put himself in a very bad spot. He voted for Courtney ( the skinny anorexic chick ) which shows he cannot commit and he is wishy washy. But he lied to Russell. Russell will make sure Coach goes next. Coaches alliance will also be mad at him for not writing down Russell's name. He has both sides mad. Colby will not help him, because he is his competition. I can see Russ saying to the Hero tribe, "Look, just vote Coach, and your people are safe this week. This could be a unanimous vote, with only Coach not voting for himself.
Coach is gone next. Very Happy
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Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!!   Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 EmptyFri Apr 02, 2010 10:57 pm

Why will the merge be next week ? Are you sure that Coach will be voted out next No Colby won't help who ?

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Mystery Lover
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PostSubject: Re: Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!!   Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 EmptyFri Apr 02, 2010 11:05 pm

Yes, I'm sure the merge is next week. 9 jurors and 3 finalists. I believe Coach will be the first juror.
I meant Colby will not help Coach. Meaning - Coach after realizing he screwed himself with his allies, may try to shmooz his way into the heroes alliance. But Colby won't help him because Coach is his competition. Plus, The heros will be relieved that the villians want to eat one of their own instead of just picking the Hereos off one at a at time. The villians could do that if they wanted to, because they are going into the merge with more numbers - the villians out number the heros. It's in their best interest to get rid of Coach, a villian. Keeps Colby's numbers safe. Of course, that's not why Russell is doing this. Russell is doing thid to benefit himself. Wacking out any competition. Plus Coach lied to Russell.
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Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!!   Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 EmptyFri Apr 02, 2010 11:10 pm

I don't understand the juror finalist thing. Is it something like a trial ? How does it work ? Coach is in kind of a bad place, even with hinself.

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Mystery Lover
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PostSubject: Re: Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!!   Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 EmptyFri Apr 02, 2010 11:15 pm

Okay, there are 9 jurors. These are the people who get voted off after the merge. The 3 finalist sit before these 9 jurors and all 3 make opening statements. Then, the jurors, one by one either have a question or comment for one, 2, or all 3 finalists. After each juror is satisfied with the answers, the 3 finalists make closing statements about why they should be awarded the million dollars and earn the title of Sole Survivor.
There are 12 people left, which makes up the jury of 9 and the 3 finalists.
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Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!!   Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 EmptyFri Apr 02, 2010 11:35 pm

Oh so who ever get voted off now becomes a juror and they decide who is the winner of the three left. So the three left better be careful about making enemies right? So does the whole game work differently now ? Do they still do the games ?

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Mystery Lover
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PostSubject: Re: Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!!   Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 EmptyFri Apr 02, 2010 11:53 pm

Yes, there are reward challenges that get big and better now, and the challenge for individual immunity gets more intense. Now usually, the first individual immunity challenge is endurance. The last challenge is also endurance. Yes, you have to be careful HOW you put people out of the game. Russell's achilles heel.
However, The last season, the jurors pride was hurt that Russell outlasted, outwitted and out played them, so they gave it to Natalie, who rode his coat tails, and only made it there because he brought her...
I fear this jury will do the same. Lots of all star - big personalities, types A's... Who will not like the fact that Russell makes it to the end... AGAIN! Bitterness and battered egos will not appreciate the excellent gameplay and strategy Russell executed out ther, sad. But he will not win because they will be envious.
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Mystery Lover
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PostSubject: Re: Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!!   Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 EmptySat Apr 10, 2010 3:34 pm

Well, I was right about Coach going, but wrong about the merge. Looks like the merge will happen at 10 after all. But Coach is juror #1.
Courtney skated by last week, but she is GONE this week, I promise! And, If JT does what the previews have suggested, he will be gone after Courtney!
Sandra's plan backfired. She called Russell an idiot, but she's the idiot! Yes, Coach was voted out... which benefits Russell anyway... but If you noticed, Russell wrote Courtney's name on that parchment, AND he initialed it!! He is so clever! He did this for a very good reason! Russell was onto Sandra's little plan. This is why he went to Danialle and said he changed his mind about voting out Courtney. Remember? Danialle was talking to Russell and pushing for Courtney to go home. Russell said, No, it should be Coach going home. But then later, went up to Danialle and told her he had a change of heart, and will vote out Courtney instead.
Danialle, for whatever reason voted out Coach. But Russell voted out Courtney, and put his name on the bottom of that particular parchment. This way, If Sandra tries to make Russell look stupid at the next tribal council, in front of Coach, who is the first juror and listening to the next tribal council, All Russell has to say, Is, "I didn't vote out Coach, I voted out Courtney. If you don't believe me show him the parchment with my initials on the bottom, or roll back the tape." This lets Coach know that Russell didn't vote for him to go, and that Sandra is the one who schemed his demise. It also shows Sandra that she isn't as smart as she thinks. It also Insures that Coach gives Russell his vote at the finale WHEN Russell is the final 3!!
Russell has also figured out That JT thinks that the villians have an all girl alliance. We know this, because last weeks show showed Russell Explaining this to Parvarti. JT thinks that If Russell is the odd man out in an all girl alliance, he can swing him over to the heroes tribe at the merge by giving him the hidden immunity Idol!! DUMB MOVE!! If JT does this, he will be voted out that night!!
So Courtney is next week's casualty, and If JT makes that dumb move, he will be out after Courtney.
JT obviously hasn't seen Russell in his season! If he did, he would never give him the hidden immunity idol!
Russell is so clever! I am enjoying his game immensely!!
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Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!!   Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 EmptySat Apr 10, 2010 4:32 pm

ML....I really have to hand it to you. You KNOW this game!!!! It's scary how you accurately predict what will happen next. Shocked
I haven't been watching the entire episodes, just the end to say: "ML was right again!!!!!"
So...unfortunately next week I will be once again on a road trip and will most likely miss the episode. I will DVR it, however, to see Courtney voted out. And if you are right about JT giving Russell the hidden immunity idol, all I can say is DUMB MOVE. Russell is diabolically brilliant. He was made for this game. Twisted Evil
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Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!!   Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 EmptySat Apr 10, 2010 6:22 pm

jkeerie another adorable little penguin, a baseball penguin ? I missed the first half of Survivor this week too and had to watch the full episode yesterday. It is a little uncanny about Mystery Lovers predictions. I think Mystery Lover is right that Courtney is gone next week. I think she's right about Jt too. It would be a dumb move. You really can't trust him to do what he says though. Russell is diabolic.
Have a safe roadtrip Smile

Mystery Lover hi Smile . I was surprised that Coach got voted out and sad Sad . It's kind of sad to me that none of except apparently Russell understood the dragon slayer. Are you sure there is going to be a merge? I thought Jeff said there wouldn't be a merge or did he only mean for this week ? If there is a merge I agree JT will go right after Courtney. It is just getting more interesting all the time. Sandra better watch it she's no match for Russell

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PostSubject: Re: Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!!   Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 EmptySat Apr 10, 2010 10:02 pm

In honor of baseball season, which is another sign of spring!
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PostSubject: Re: Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!!   Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 EmptySat Apr 10, 2010 10:13 pm

When they start playing baseball you know spring is here for sure. cheers

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Mystery Lover
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PostSubject: Re: Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!!   Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 EmptyFri Apr 16, 2010 3:28 pm

Courtney is gone as predicted... Coach will just love having her with him at the Ponderosa!! LOL!!! Yikes!
Oh JT... Dumb move on your part buddy! Next week is the merge. Bye-Bye JT!! He will be voted out.
In nexts weeks previews Sandra is walking with Rupert and spilling the beans that there was never an all girl alliance. This will make JT's own tribe mad enough at him to vote him out, and Sandra will replace JT in the Heroes alliance. Sandra was next to be voted out on the villians tribe, had they not merged. So she is jumping ship. JT gets voted out, and Sandra joins the heroes alliance.

Sandra is such a slime. At the reward challenge, Rupert leaned over and whispered "I Love You" and she rolled her eyes in disgust, now she's clinging to his side in the previews for next week.
For anyone who reads this and doesn't know, Rupert and Sandra were together in the same season in Pearl Islands. They were friends and in an alliance. So when Rupert said that to her, he was talking about it in a friendly way. She turned on him in their season and voted him out too, by the way.

That chat Colby had with Russell at the immunity challenge was funny, but it told something too. I know Colby... Again, if you don't, he is a man of his word, proud to be a Texan. Now he is trusting Russell, a fellow Texan who he thinks is a man of his word. When Colby finds out Russell was never in trouble or danger of being voted out by an all girl alliance, he will remember that when/if he is a jury member. JT of course will be ashamed and embarrassed that he was duped by Russell and so JT will not give Russell a vote at the end.
I now know the 3rd person that I believe will be in the final 3 and winner... Sandra. This makes me sick! But, they are setting the stage for her to win. I believe Jeff even called her move "brilliant" in the beginning of the show where he recaps last week. Russell's continous moves outweigh Sandra's one little move... but I can see the set up building here. A bitter jealous jury. Their pride has been hurt. Even though they are all stars they won't judge on good gameplay, but personal reasons. If you saw Coach at the Pondersa, he isn't giving Russell his vote, Courney will never give Russell her vote, because she knows he wanted her out for a long time. Colby and JT will not give him their vote because Russell let them believe he was getting voted out next by an all girl alliance, which was just good gameplay, good strategy...but they won't see it that way. Because they will be embarrassed that they were fooled. So that's 4 votes I can see already that Russell will not get at the end. The first all stars America voted for Rupert to get a million bucks. Amber won the first all stars season, for those who do not know, and as a special prize - Rupert won a million bucks because of America's vote. I'll bet they have that this time around. Last season America voted and gave Russell $100,000, since this is an all stars season, America maybe able to vote to give him a million. I hope so, because I know he won't get it fron his jury, but America knows he is the best. That's why America gave him the money last season!

Russell Saved Parvarti's butt with an idol he found, she finds one and doesn't tell him? Her reason: She wants to see him squirm? Russell didn't have to tell her he was handed an idol by JT but he did. Gosh, I wisj he would have kept that to himself! Not only did he share this info with Parv but Daniale and Jerri as well!
Russell is good to those in his alliance, Parv is being a slime. Russell will not be happy when he finds out that Parv hid this from him, when he shared his with her. Twice.

Merge next week. Don't forget - you can see the jurors at the ponderosa as they get voted off.
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Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!!   Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 EmptyThu Apr 22, 2010 3:15 am

Courtney is gone just as predicted and it looks like she is having waaay to much fun with Coach. I agree with you about Sandra. I hope she goes next. But if she joins the Heroes I guess she'll be safe for awhile. I can't believe that JT was so dumb. Won't it backfire on Pavarti not telling Russell about the immunity ? Or will she join the Heroes too ?

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Mystery Lover
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PostSubject: Re: Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!!   Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 EmptyThu Apr 22, 2010 1:54 pm

Hi hatshepsut! Smile
No Parvarti will not join the Heroes, but Sandra will try. Russell already knows Sandra will jump ship, so he will try to discredit her so no one believes her.
The Heroes will not be happy to see Parvati is still there. Russell will have to lie and say he played his immunity idol, and she played one too, which would explain why she is still there. But with a girl gone now, it does look believable to to the heroes that Russell used an idol to save himself.
JT is going home tonight. Giving Russell an idol was a huge mistake. It's going to be an awesome tribal council tonight!! I can't wait!
This betrayal by Russell though is bad for later when he sits before the 9 jurors that he put there. Especially JT and Colby,( if he's elimated in the weeks to come ) because they trusted him. It's good gameplay. Russell got them. But instead of respecting that they were outplayed by someone better, they will get revenge by NOT giving him their vote to win. Sad...
JT will join the others in The Hall of Shame tonight.
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PostSubject: Re: Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!!   Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 EmptyThu Apr 22, 2010 3:17 pm

Hi Mystery Lover

I can hardly wait for tonights show. Giving Russell the idol was such a dumb move. I almost laughed thinking Russell didn't even have to look for an idol to get one. I hope that Colby doesn't go home in the weeks to come. So Pavarti won't join the Heroes. She will try to keep alliance with Russell and the girls ? And what will Russell do ? Act like he's with all of them ? It will be good tonight. I can't wait to see Russell explaining why Parviti is still there or what happens when the Heroes try to get rid of her. At least I'm supposing that they will try maybe next week.

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Mystery Lover
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PostSubject: Re: Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!!   Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 EmptyFri Apr 23, 2010 4:02 pm

JT Gone as predicted. Poor guy!!!
I'm mad at Povarti for not telling Russell she had an idol when he gave her TWO to save her butt from elimination. Not smart to make you closest ally mad at you this late in the game. Russell was clearly angry. He told her she had some explaining to do. I hope they can patch things up.
But, with that said, Povarti was brilliant! She saved all the villains by handing out those 2 idols, which forced a Hero to go home. Good gameplay!
Povarti knew Amanda was lying to her about who the heroes wanted to vote out. So, she figured it was either Sandra or Jerri and she protected them both by giving them each a hidden immunity idol.
For those who do not know, Pov and Amanda have a history from past seasons. So that fact that Amanda lied to Pov, who was her good friend in the past, leads me to believe that Amanda is gone next. It could be Candice, but my gut says Amanda goes home next week for lying to "the queen." The heroes are now out numbered and will be picked off one by one.
What an awesome tribal council that was!! I'm going to go check out the Pondorosa!
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PostSubject: Re: Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!!   Survivor 20 "Heroes Verses Villians Chat!! - Page 6 EmptyFri Apr 23, 2010 5:21 pm

Thanks for the update, ML. I was at our annual donor dinner and missed the show. As usual you were spot on in your prediction. We'll see if your gut is right next week! Wink
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