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StarLite Moon
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Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-)   Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 EmptySun May 02, 2010 1:17 am

Thank you Gelert, I finally got your name right. I don't know where I got Gelbert from. Site looks greats hope to spend quite a bit of time here. Thank you for having me flower
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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: hello   Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 EmptyThu May 06, 2010 9:42 pm

hello everyboby, my name is jerome and i'm studying computer games technology in scotland i love the games that provide good immersion most of the time the one with a good story but i believe you need more than that. I'm a geek but alos try to have a life at the same time, not very easy. i joined this forum in hope you could help me to find a point and click game.
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Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-)   Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 EmptyThu May 06, 2010 10:00 pm

Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 4 jrme421!

Have no fear, you'll feel completely at home here. I'm sure there's something of a geek in all of us Adventure game fans. lol!

Ask away. I'm sure someone will be able to help. If it's about a particular game, just start a new thread of your own.

Have fun!

Gelert. Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 43653
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Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-)   Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 EmptyThu May 06, 2010 10:10 pm

Welcome aboard Jrme421 cheers
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Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-)   Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 EmptyThu May 06, 2010 10:26 pm

Hi jrme421 and Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 1

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Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-)   Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 EmptyThu May 06, 2010 11:47 pm

Hello all! Sorry I haven't introduced myself yet, I've been scouring the gaming sites that I belong to (including looking for potential traders and buyers so I could either trade the action, simulation, and action-adventure games that I don't want for pure adventure games that I really do want, or sell all my unwanted games and use the money that I get from these sales to buy games that I do want from other gamers on these gaming sites, ebay, or

I'm also I comic book author, I like to do gameplay screenshot captures while playing my games, edit them in photoshop to put angels (including me as an angel) in them who're helping the main game characters, and some times I might edit the backgrounds to look like my adventures took place on the alien civilizations we angels are called to to lend asistence to in the quest to find answers - I got hooked on AG's in 1995 after my favorite uncle died and I saw a National Geographic Explorer Society program on TV, and immediately I thought Uncle Bill was having fun in Heaven cruising deep space in search for alien and human civilizations where he and his fellow angel friends might be called on to lend aid, they beam down from their space cruiser, and the camera person takes pictures of them and writes stuff about how Uncle Bill and his new friends are helping God's people while at the same time, they're searching for answers to baffling mysteries - like in "Unsolved Mysteries" on TV. I believe my comics could be where "National Geographic Explorer" meets "Unsolved Mysteries" meets "Star Trek".
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StarLite Moon
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Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-)   Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 EmptyMon May 17, 2010 4:21 pm

Just wanted to give a big welcome to all new comers. Excellent site, great people, friendly atmosphere. Hope you enjoy your stay sunny
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Swashbuckling Globetrotter

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Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-)   Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 EmptyThu May 20, 2010 5:23 pm

Hi, I'm Borat... Embarassed er, Zoran and I'm a seasoned adventurer. Or a rookie. It depends on how many adventure games you have played, I guess.
I've been playing adventures since 2000. Some of my most favo(u)rite games are Day of the Tentacle, Sam & Max Hit the Road, The Longest Journey, Discworld Noir, Duckman: The Legend of the Fall and so on. I prefer funny cartoonish adventures, as you can see.

I'm here mostly because of Geralt... Smile oops, Gelert (I know him as Jacques for quite a long time, it's not easy for me to adjust to his new nick so quickly). He is my idol because he's so damn good in guessing the adventures from screenshots and in other adventure games-related quizes. I hope I'll be (at least) as good as him when I grow up. Very Happy

I hope you'll understand my lousy English (it's not my native langage) and wouldn't mind my typos, bad spelling and (even worse) humo(u)r.

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Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-)   Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 EmptyThu May 20, 2010 5:40 pm

Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 7 and Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 1

I haven't played any of those games yet but most of them are in my to play pile.

I hope you enjoy it here. Gelert has made a wonderful place for us here and we have a great bunch of people.

I think we all want to be as good as Gelert when we grow up Laughing

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Swashbuckling Globetrotter

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Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-)   Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 EmptyThu May 20, 2010 5:58 pm

hatshepsut wrote:
I haven't played any of those games yet but most of them are in my to play pile.
You should play all of them by all means, Hatshepsut. Smile

hatshepsut wrote:
I hope you enjoy it here. Gelert has made a wonderful place for us here and we have a great bunch of people.
Thank you very much for your kind words of welcome.

hatshepsut wrote:
I think we all want to be as good as Gelert when we grow up Laughing
Yeah, but in my case it's very unlikely since I'm already fifty. king ( What a Face ) Laughing
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Lady Kestrel
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Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-)   Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 EmptyThu May 20, 2010 6:50 pm

Welcome, Zobraks! It's nice to see more young'uns here. Very Happy
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Swashbuckling Globetrotter

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Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-)   Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 EmptyThu May 20, 2010 7:53 pm

Thanks, Lady K! Very Happy I'm glad there are familiar people here, specially those young in heart. king
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Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-)   Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 EmptyThu May 20, 2010 9:01 pm

Tut! Tut! Enough of this silly talk and on with the screenshot contest! The scores are mounting up ............. Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 643578

Oh Yes! .................. and Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 4 zobraks!
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Swashbuckling Globetrotter

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Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-)   Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 EmptyThu May 20, 2010 11:35 pm

Thanks, Jacques! Smile
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Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-)   Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 EmptyThu May 20, 2010 11:47 pm

Jacques?? Who's Jacques???? You must be mistaken. What a Face
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Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-)   Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 EmptyFri May 21, 2010 7:35 am

zobraks wrote:

hatshepsut wrote:
I think we all want to be as good as Gelert when we grow up Laughing
Yeah, but in my case it's very unlikely since I'm already fifty. king ( What a Face ) Laughing

I'm 56, will be 57 in August. Is Gelert much older than us? I wonder since he has this huge collection of great, good games!
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Swashbuckling Globetrotter

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Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-)   Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 EmptyFri May 21, 2010 10:42 am

K515 wrote:
zobraks wrote:

hatshepsut wrote:
I think we all want to be as good as Gelert when we grow up Laughing
Yeah, but in my case it's very unlikely since I'm already fifty. king ( What a Face ) Laughing
Is Gelert much older than us? I wonder since he has this huge collection of great, good games!
If I'd have to guess his age by the number of adventure games he had played/he owns/he knows, then my guess would be 104 (years) . Very Happy
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Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-)   Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 EmptyFri May 21, 2010 1:03 pm

Actually, as should seem obvious from my avatar ................. I'm a ghost, so age doesn't really come into it at all.

All I'll say is . . . . Be careful what you wish for! Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 54243
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-)   Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 EmptyFri May 21, 2010 1:25 pm

Because you may actually get it !!
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Swashbuckling Globetrotter

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Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-)   Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 EmptyFri May 21, 2010 2:38 pm

zobraks wrote:
Thanks, Jacques! Smile
Gelert wrote:
Jacques?? Who's Jacques???? You must be mistaken. What a Face
Sorry, my mistake! There's a guy at AGF who uses your nick Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 Th_opanachke:

Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 Th_corpus_delicti
Rolling Eyes Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 Th_sajkacasaslamkom
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Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-)   Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 EmptyFri May 21, 2010 2:52 pm

zobraks wrote:

Sorry, my mistake! There's a guy at AGF who uses your nick

Where's my lawyer? lol!
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Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-)   Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 EmptySat May 22, 2010 5:00 am

zobraks wrote:

Sorry, my mistake! There's a guy at AGF who uses your nick

AGF?? What's AGF? Another adventure gaming site? Never heard of it.
Also googled for it but it doesn't show up.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-)   Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 EmptySat May 22, 2010 12:27 pm

That's Adventure Gamers' Forum K515. flower
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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-)   Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 EmptyWed Jun 02, 2010 7:34 am

Hi all, I'm Gonchi. Been gaming since the early 90's. Started out with an Atari 2600 jr., and stuck solely with PC gaming after the SNES/Genesis generation.

One of my first Adventure Games was The Dark Half, but I didn't really get into the genre until the re-edition of Sierra titles under the SierraOriginals and Kixx XL labels. As such, I'm a pretty big Sierra fanboy, my favorites being the Quest for Glory and Gabriel Knight series, but I've enjoyed them all.

Sierra games aside, other favorites of mine are Discworld Noir, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Serrated Scalpel and Grim Fandango.

Besides Adventure Games I'm also a pretty big fan of RPGs, favorites being the Fallouts (except Bethesda's), Arcanum and Baldur's Gate.

I think I'm more of a pack-rat than a collector. I tend to prefer older games to newer ones, and it has nothing to do with rose tinted glasses or nostalgia. I hate Myst and it's army of clones. I'm Pro-Abandonware and Anti-DRM in all its forms.
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Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-)   Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 3 EmptyWed Jun 02, 2010 11:32 am

Gonchi wrote:
I'm Pro-Abandonware and Anti-DRM in all its forms.
If that's the case, you might try d/l Buzz Aldrin Race Into Space (DOSbox) and Star Wars Chess from, umm-m, I forgot where I d/l mine, so I think you'll have to google it. And also you can d/l Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy text-adventure, if you want.
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