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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-)   Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 10 EmptyWed Aug 25, 2021 11:00 pm

Hello! I am Ricky, a lifetime adventure games lover, particularly those with surprising stories and challenging puzzles.

My adventure games journey started way back in early 00s. I picked up the Myst series, played them all, then I fell in love with puzzle adventure games at once. Since then I have played lots of the kind, including the Penumbra series, Syberia trilogy, even some less renowned ones like Tunguska. But I still think the Myst series first 3 games got the best puzzles.

Oh and I think there is a really good but underrated one called Scratches!!!

Now, I finally have a chance to make my own adventure game. It is an indie by me and my friend. As our first PC game, we focused on the writing, humor, and surprises; while making the puzzles casual. It is called Apopia: Prologue, and we just completed the free demo. Please check it out on Steam if you have time!

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-)   Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 10 EmptyFri Sep 24, 2021 2:42 am

QuilloGames wrote:
Hello! I am Ricky, a lifetime adventure games lover, particularly those with surprising stories and challenging puzzles.

My adventure games journey started way back in early 00s. I picked up the Myst series, played them all, then I fell in love with puzzle adventure games at once. Since then I have played lots of the kind, including the Penumbra series, Syberia trilogy, even some less renowned ones like Tunguska. But I still think the Myst series first 3 games got the best puzzles.

Oh and I think there is a really good but underrated one called Scratches!!!

Now, I finally have a chance to make my own adventure game. It is an indie by me and my friend. As our first PC game, we focused on the writing, humor, and surprises; while making the puzzles casual. It is called Apopia: Prologue, and we just completed the free demo. Please check it out on Steam if you have time!

Welcome to the Point ! Would the demo be available directly , for those of us out there that don't have/don't want a Steam account ?

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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-)   Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 10 EmptyFri Sep 24, 2021 9:03 am

Faust wrote:
QuilloGames wrote:
Hello! I am Ricky, a lifetime adventure games lover, particularly those with surprising stories and challenging puzzles.

My adventure games journey started way back in early 00s. I picked up the Myst series, played them all, then I fell in love with puzzle adventure games at once. Since then I have played lots of the kind, including the Penumbra series, Syberia trilogy, even some less renowned ones like Tunguska. But I still think the Myst series first 3 games got the best puzzles.

Oh and I think there is a really good but underrated one called Scratches!!!

Now, I finally have a chance to make my own adventure game. It is an indie by me and my friend. As our first PC game, we focused on the writing, humor, and surprises; while making the puzzles casual. It is called Apopia: Prologue, and we just completed the free demo. Please check it out on Steam if you have time!

Welcome to the Point ! Would the demo be available directly , for those of us out there that don't have/don't want a Steam account ?

Hi Faust! Thank you for interested in trying the demo. I have also put it on, where I think you can download it without an account:

Please give it a try Smile
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Age : 54
Location : I am..........everywhere !!!!!

Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-)   Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 10 EmptyFri Sep 24, 2021 2:26 pm

QuilloGames wrote:
Faust wrote:
QuilloGames wrote:
Hello! I am Ricky, a lifetime adventure games lover, particularly those with surprising stories and challenging puzzles.

My adventure games journey started way back in early 00s. I picked up the Myst series, played them all, then I fell in love with puzzle adventure games at once. Since then I have played lots of the kind, including the Penumbra series, Syberia trilogy, even some less renowned ones like Tunguska. But I still think the Myst series first 3 games got the best puzzles.

Oh and I think there is a really good but underrated one called Scratches!!!

Now, I finally have a chance to make my own adventure game. It is an indie by me and my friend. As our first PC game, we focused on the writing, humor, and surprises; while making the puzzles casual. It is called Apopia: Prologue, and we just completed the free demo. Please check it out on Steam if you have time!

Welcome to the Point ! Would the demo be available directly , for those of us out there that don't have/don't want a Steam account ?

Hi Faust! Thank you for interested in trying the demo. I have also put it on, where I think you can download it without an account:

Please give it a try Smile

Thanks for the information !! cheers

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Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-)   Introduce yourself and tell us what games you like :-) - Page 10 Empty

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